Terms of use

This website is provided to you by CCN Insurance Services AG (hereinafter CCN Insurance Services). Please note the following general terms of use when using the website (this is non-binding information – no legal advice is provided).

By accessing, you accept them without restriction or reservation. 

Permitted use

You may only use the website in accordance with the Terms of Use.

In particular, you agree to the following:

  1. You may not use the CCN Insurance Services Website in any way that is likely to infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties
  2. You must not use any device, software, mechanism or other apparatus which may interfere with the proper working of the CCN Insurance Services website
  3. You may not take any actions that could lead to an unreasonable overload of the CCN Insurance Services website
  4. You must not interfere with the CCN Insurance Services website or the infrastructure used to operate it.

If you use the CCN Insurance Services website in an unauthorized manner and thus violate the CCN Insurance Services terms of use, CCN Insurance Services reserves the right to prohibit you from accessing the CCN Insurance Services website.

Liability and warranty

Limitations of liability

All details and information contained on the website have been researched and checked by CCN Insurance Services with the utmost care. The website and its content are provided as designed by CCN Insurance Services. We have taken the greatest possible care in designing the website. Unfortunately, errors can still occur. 

CCN Insurance Services makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, quality and/or completeness of the information contained, made available or referred to on the website, and accepts no liability for any defects in quality or title, in particular as to its accuracy, currency and/or completeness, and makes no representations to this effect, either express or implied.
Furthermore, CCN Insurance Services does not warrant the timeliness, accuracy of information or rates; CCN Insurance Services does not warrant any information provided by third parties on or through the Site. All users of the Site agree that any risk associated with access to or use of this Site or any related site rests solely with them. The user bears sole responsibility and sole risk of loss resulting from downloading content, accessing or using the website and its content.

CCN Insurance Services does not guarantee that the services offered on the CCN Insurance Services website will be uninterrupted or available.

CCN Insurance Services as website provider is not liable for any damages resulting from access to this site or any linked site, from the use or inability to use said site or from errors or omissions in the content of the site. Claims for damages against CCN Insurance Services are excluded regardless of the legal grounds, unless CCN Insurance Services has acted with intent or gross negligence or the claims for damages result from the breach of a warranted characteristic or essential contractual obligations. CCN Insurance Services is not liable for damages, including indirect or consequential damages, resulting from the use of the website or its unusability, in particular not for loss of profit / benefits, even if CCN Insurance Services makes the information or functions on or through the website accessible, and / or has pointed out the possibility of the occurrence of such damage and / or such damage was foreseeable. CCN Insurance Services accepts no liability whatsoever for damages arising from the purchase of insurance products or services from third parties based on information made available on this website. A claim for damages against CCN Insurance Services can only be asserted within a limitation period of two years after the claimant has become aware of the damage and the event giving rise to the claim. This does not apply to claims for damages due to willful misconduct.

CCN Insurance Services makes every effort to keep the CCN Insurance Services website free from viruses, but cannot guarantee freedom from viruses. CCN Insurance Services does not warrant that the website or the server on which the website is made available, or any connected system, is free from viruses or other harmful components. We therefore recommend that you ensure adequate protection against viruses yourself before downloading documents and information, for example by using virus scanners.

Changes of the website

CCN Insurance Services expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, limit or delete parts of the website, the functionalities or services or the entire offer / individual offers at any time without separate notification of any kind or to cease publication of the website temporarily or permanently. This includes all services, information, features or functionalities offered on the website as well as insurance products that are accessible within the scope of the intended use of the website. 

Reference to other websites (links)

Since CCN Insurance Services has no influence on the design and content of websites operated by third parties and referred to on the CCN Insurance Services website, CCN Insurance Services cannot accept any responsibility for their content. The content, accuracy, legality and functionality of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators. Any opinions and recommendations expressed on these independent websites are solely those of the providers or operators independent of CCN Insurance Services and are not the opinion or recommendation of CCN Insurance Services. The mere existence of a reference to such websites does not constitute a recommendation or other endorsement by CCN Insurance Services in favor of these websites, their content or their operators. CCN Insurance Services reserves the right to withdraw its consent to a link at any time.

Regional legal restrictions

This website contains general information about the type of products and services offered by CCN Insurance Services. Products and services presented on this website are only available to residents of countries in which the purchase of such products and services from CCN Insurance Services is authorized. This website is not directed to persons in countries where the publication of information about or the active distribution of such products and services as described on the website is prohibited, e.g. due to residence or other reasons. If such restrictions apply to a person or country, the website may not be used.


The pages of the CCN Insurance Services website enjoy copyright protection. All rights are reserved. The information, texts, parts of texts, images, animations, graphics and design of the website as well as software / software code and multimedia elements published on the CCN Insurance Services website, passed on by it or made available for downloading are subject to copyright. Duplication, processing, other use, reproduction, republication or use of any kind – including excerpts – in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express prior written consent of CCN Insurance Services. This also applies in particular to reprinting, inclusion in online services and the Internet as well as reproduction on data carriers such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc. The user may not reproduce or copy the products provided. The website, its content and the structure of the website are protected by copyright. The copyright of CCN Insurance Services also extends to service and product names, domain names, logos or other identifying features of CCN Insurance Services.

© CCN Insurance Services AG. All rights reserved.

Final Provisions

Underlying law and jurisdiction

The legal information / terms of use are subject to German law, unless deviating contractual agreements have been made.

Changes to the legal information

CCN Insurance Services is entitled to amend and supplement the legal information in any way and at any time. The user should read the legal information, including the terms of use, at the beginning of each visit to this website in order to familiarize himself with possible changes.

Severability clause

Should provisions or parts of provisions in this Legal Notice / Terms of Use be or become invalid, illegal, void, voidable or unenforceable, the validity, enforceability, legality and validity of the remaining Legal Notice / Terms of Use shall not be affected thereby.